صور: بقرة تضع عجلاً برأسين في البيرو

تم نشره الخميس 20 آب / أغسطس 2015 07:27 صباحاً
صور: بقرة تضع عجلاً برأسين في البيرو
جانب من الصور

المدينة نيوز:- وضعت بقرة عجلاً برأسين ملتصقين في البيرو، وانقسم القرويون إلى فريقين الأول يعتقد بأن هذا نعمة من الله والثاني يعتقد بأنه فأل شؤم. 
وولد هذا العجل في منطقة فيزتا أليغري الريفية في البيرو برأسين ملتصقين دون وجود أي نقص أو عيب فيهما. إلا أن هذا العجل لا يملك المقدرة على الوقوف على قدميه إذ يعاني من نقص في التوازن بسبب رأسيه، ويقوم صاحبه بإرضاعه الحليب من زجاجة.

وحاول الطبيب البيطري، ومسؤول وزارة الزراعة رولاندو بالينا كوميكو أن يطمئن القرويين المتشائمين عندما صرح بأن التشوه الخلقي هذا سببه إطعام البقرة الأم المضادات الحيوية أثناء حملها، أو أنه بسبب طفرة وراثية حدثت أثناء الحمل. واستبعد بأن يكون هذا التشوه بسبب التلوث البيئي في مقاطعة أولاغايوك دوي التي تحتوي على المناجم.
وأضاف كوموكو بأن العجل لن يعيش طويلاً، ففي عام 2009 ولد عجلان برأسين في منطقة تشوتا في نفس المقاطعة البيروفية وقد ولد أحدهما ميتاً ولم يعش الآخر أكثر من سبعة أشهر بحسب صحيفة الدايلي ميل البريطانية ونقلا عن موقع 24.




Pic shows: Villagers with the two headed calf and its mother. This strange looking two headed calf has spooked people in a remote area in Peru where it was born. Some villagers claim it is a sign from God about all the evils that are happening in the world, while others believe it was a mythical birth and the cow must have gone through a swamp when she was on heat. Others claim it is the result of environmental pollution due to mining in the region. The tragedy is that the animal cannot feed itself because it is unable to lift it’s two heads because the combined weight is too heavy. It was born in the community of Vista Alegre, in the district of Hualgayoc, in the northwest Peruvian department of Cajamarca. It has two heads, two noses, two sets of eyes and two mouths. As it does not have the strength to stand up, the farmer Edward Villegas Rubio is feeding it milk by bottle. Close relative Clodomiro Becerra, said: "It was a very difficult birth and we had to force it because it had two heads." Vet Rolando Ballena Chumioque, an official of the Agricultural Agency, tried to calm the fears of villagers and said the birth defect could have been caused by the use of antibiotics during the gestation period or that it could be a congenital malformation during pregnancy. He denied it could be a result of environmental pollution in the district of Hualgayoc due to the presence of mining. He said the calf was not expected to live very long. In 2009, two calfs with two heads were born in the district of Chota, in the same Peruvian province. One of them was born dead and the other one alive and was baptized with the name of Milagritos (Miracles) and managed to live for seven months in the laboratory of Pathology at the National University of Cajamarca. (ends)

Pic shows: The two headed calf. This strange looking two headed calf has spooked people in a remote area in Peru where it was born. Some villagers claim it is a sign from God about all the evils that are happening in the world, while others believe it was a mythical birth and the cow must have gone through a swamp when she was on heat. Others claim it is the result of environmental pollution due to mining in the region. The tragedy is that the animal cannot feed itself because it is unable to lift it’s two heads because the combined weight is too heavy. It was born in the community of Vista Alegre, in the district of Hualgayoc, in the northwest Peruvian department of Cajamarca. It has two heads, two noses, two sets of eyes and two mouths. As it does not have the strength to stand up, the farmer Edward Villegas Rubio is feeding it milk by bottle. Close relative Clodomiro Becerra, said: "It was a very difficult birth and we had to force it because it had two heads." Vet Rolando Ballena Chumioque, an official of the Agricultural Agency, tried to calm the fears of villagers and said the birth defect could have been caused by the use of antibiotics during the gestation period or that it could be a congenital malformation during pregnancy. He denied it could be a result of environmental pollution in the district of Hualgayoc due to the presence of mining. He said the calf was not expected to live very long. In 2009, two calfs with two heads were born in the district of Chota, in the same Peruvian province. One of them was born dead and the other one alive and was baptized with the name of Milagritos (Miracles) and managed to live for seven months in the laboratory of Pathology at the National University of Cajamarca. (ends)

Pic shows: Villagers with the two headed calf and its mother. This strange looking two headed calf has spooked people in a remote area in Peru where it was born. Some villagers claim it is a sign from God about all the evils that are happening in the world, while others believe it was a mythical birth and the cow must have gone through a swamp when she was on heat. Others claim it is the result of environmental pollution due to mining in the region. The tragedy is that the animal cannot feed itself because it is unable to lift it’s two heads because the combined weight is too heavy. It was born in the community of Vista Alegre, in the district of Hualgayoc, in the northwest Peruvian department of Cajamarca. It has two heads, two noses, two sets of eyes and two mouths. As it does not have the strength to stand up, the farmer Edward Villegas Rubio is feeding it milk by bottle. Close relative Clodomiro Becerra, said: "It was a very difficult birth and we had to force it because it had two heads." Vet Rolando Ballena Chumioque, an official of the Agricultural Agency, tried to calm the fears of villagers and said the birth defect could have been caused by the use of antibiotics during the gestation period or that it could be a congenital malformation during pregnancy. He denied it could be a result of environmental pollution in the district of Hualgayoc due to the presence of mining. He said the calf was not expected to live very long. In 2009, two calfs with two heads were born in the district of Chota, in the same Peruvian province. One of them was born dead and the other one alive and was baptized with the name of Milagritos (Miracles) and managed to live for seven months in the laboratory of Pathology at the National University of Cajamarca. (ends)

Pic shows: The two headed calf. This strange looking two headed calf has spooked people in a remote area in Peru where it was born. Some villagers claim it is a sign from God about all the evils that are happening in the world, while others believe it was a mythical birth and the cow must have gone through a swamp when she was on heat. Others claim it is the result of environmental pollution due to mining in the region. The tragedy is that the animal cannot feed itself because it is unable to lift it’s two heads because the combined weight is too heavy. It was born in the community of Vista Alegre, in the district of Hualgayoc, in the northwest Peruvian department of Cajamarca. It has two heads, two noses, two sets of eyes and two mouths. As it does not have the strength to stand up, the farmer Edward Villegas Rubio is feeding it milk by bottle. Close relative Clodomiro Becerra, said: "It was a very difficult birth and we had to force it because it had two heads." Vet Rolando Ballena Chumioque, an official of the Agricultural Agency, tried to calm the fears of villagers and said the birth defect could have been caused by the use of antibiotics during the gestation period or that it could be a congenital malformation during pregnancy. He denied it could be a result of environmental pollution in the district of Hualgayoc due to the presence of mining. He said the calf was not expected to live very long. In 2009, two calfs with two heads were born in the district of Chota, in the same Peruvian province. One of them was born dead and the other one alive and was baptized with the name of Milagritos (Miracles) and managed to live for seven months in the laboratory of Pathology at the National University of Cajamarca. (ends)

Pic shows: Villagers with the two headed calf and its mother. This strange looking two headed calf has spooked people in a remote area in Peru where it was born. Some villagers claim it is a sign from God about all the evils that are happening in the world, while others believe it was a mythical birth and the cow must have gone through a swamp when she was on heat. Others claim it is the result of environmental pollution due to mining in the region. The tragedy is that the animal cannot feed itself because it is unable to lift it’s two heads because the combined weight is too heavy. It was born in the community of Vista Alegre, in the district of Hualgayoc, in the northwest Peruvian department of Cajamarca. It has two heads, two noses, two sets of eyes and two mouths. As it does not have the strength to stand up, the farmer Edward Villegas Rubio is feeding it milk by bottle. Close relative Clodomiro Becerra, said: "It was a very difficult birth and we had to force it because it had two heads." Vet Rolando Ballena Chumioque, an official of the Agricultural Agency, tried to calm the fears of villagers and said the birth defect could have been caused by the use of antibiotics during the gestation period or that it could be a congenital malformation during pregnancy. He denied it could be a result of environmental pollution in the district of Hualgayoc due to the presence of mining. He said the calf was not expected to live very long. In 2009, two calfs with two heads were born in the district of Chota, in the same Peruvian province. One of them was born dead and the other one alive and was baptized with the name of Milagritos (Miracles) and managed to live for seven months in the laboratory of Pathology at the National University of Cajamarca. (ends)

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